Tag: Natick

Image of fireworks in the sky.

I was in the 617.

Hey bloggies, welcome back to my super cool Blog. I hope all of you are having a splendid week. I’ll start off today’s post with a song to describe the vibe of this week. Charismatic by Hailey Knox, my new current favorite artist! She’s been on repeat recently and this is my top song of hers so far. Beginning with…

Several bowls of rice-based dishes with various toppings and sides.

When in Wellesley

Today, I want to focus on the fun things students can do in the town of Wellesley. I feel like we spend a lot of time talking about going to Cambridge and Boston on the weekends; thus, I now want to highlight and recommend some things to do within the town of Wellesley! Right outside the east side of campus…

Jade and a friend standing in front of a Christmas tree in the center of a mall atrium.

Recharging… 🔋😁🧘‍♀️

Hello Blog, Surprise – I took my exam, turned in my paper, and survived my performance! The work truly always gets done. Now that I’ve made it out the other side, this week has been pretty chill! On Friday, we had a carillon masterclass with a professor of carillon from another college. I played a movement of the Bach cello…

Image of two kittens, one brown and one black, lying down on top of colorful blankets surrounded by toys.

Restful Fall Break 🍁

Last week was fall break at Wellesley! If you don’t know what fall break is, it’s a long weekend every October at Wellesley where we have no classes on Monday and Tuesday in addition to the regular weekend. Students use it as an opportunity to rest, catch up on schoolwork, explore Boston, go to New York City or elsewhere along…

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