Tag: nyc

Avery and her friend standing in front of a red door.

On The Uptown

HELLO. GREETINGS. SALUTATIONS. BLOGGIES. I hope all 2 and a half of my readers had a WONDERFUL weekend. BECAUSE IIII DID. I truly think New York has some type of spiritual allure to it that I can not pull myself away from. It’s giving pirate and siren except I forgot to cover my ears. That was my 4th time in…

Image of Jade and friends on the Brooklyn Bridge.

Spring Break Recap

Hello blog, Long time no talk! I’m back from spring break and ready to take on the final six weeks of the semester. I had one of my best spring breaks yet! Usually, I just take some time off to relax at home with my family before coming back to campus. This time, though, I did that for the first…

Appreciation and Applications

Playlist of the week — for FOCUSING! http://8tracks.com/katelynnbae/the-ultimate-study-playlist Happy belated Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving was never a holiday I really celebrated in the past, but I learned this year that it is a very important holiday to many Americans who take this time to be with their family and appreciate all that they have. That’s a great holiday, and although my way…

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