Hi everyone! I will be honest—this is a really long and busy week for a lot of students at Wellesley, including myself. With spring break right around the corner and the midterms nearing, I’m prepared for a busier schedule in the next couple of days. In the spirit of that, I thought I would share with you what my typical…
Tag: Spanish

A Day in the Life!
Hi everyone! I realized I haven’t done “a day in the life” in a long time, so here’s one from my Friday during a relatively chill week. 9:18 a.m. I wake up to my alarm (I don’t like my alarms being at a time that ends at 0 or 5 for some reason) for my 9:55 a.m. physics class. My…
Reevaluation and Registration
Before I get to the more serious stuff, I thought I’d tell you about my halloween. I’m not the biggest fan of halloween — I haven’t ever really enjoyed it in the past, and didn’t think I would this year either. But I ended up going to the Rocky Horror Picture Show “viewing” on Wednesday and it was a lot…
Davis Days
Here’s this week’s playlist: http://8tracks.com/alstroemeria/reading I got to visit the Davis Museum twice this week. The Davis Museum is an art museum right here on campus, and is open to anyone. Their current exhibits range from Monet to Mesoamerican vases; even if you aren’t an art person, if you have the chance to visit I promise you’ll find at least…