Tag: weather


I’m sure you’ve seen all the snowy excitement on Facebook and Twitter if you’re an avid Wellesley follower. But that’s not going to stop me from adding to the hullabaloo! So yesterday, it snowed. And I said wow that’s going to stick. And everyone said don’t be silly the first snow won’t stick. And I said look at that snow. That’s…

Sunny Days

Spring is in the air! I love warm weather, and after a New England winter I can appreciate a high in the seventies so much more! I frolicked in the town of Wellesley, (also known as “The Ville”) today. I certainly wasn’t the only one. I do need to give my books more attention though. You know, a lot of…


It's a Friday afternoon and I am absolutely relieved that the weekend is here! I just turned in a paper for my political science class about John Brady Kiesling, who resigned in protest over the Iraq War from the State Department in 2003. Thank God that paper is over with. I feel confident about it, but you never know with…

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