I have to be honest – last week was one of the roughest I’ve had since I’ve been at Wellesley. Classes were challenging, I was tired…but hey, what do you know, I’m alive and writing this post. What’s more, I can’t say that the pressure isn’t yielding results. This week I learned a lot – I’m a little closer to…
Tag: weekend
One Long Weekend
Last weekend was nuts!!! I started the weekend early with the play Dreamgirls in Boston on Thursday. Wellesley advertised that the show was coming, made inexpensive tickets available to students, and provided transportation to and from the theatre. It was amazing – the movie couldn’t do it justice. Image from http://broadwayandme.blogspot.com/2009_11_01_archive.html Friday I headed over to MIT to hang…
Spreading Love
Wow. College kids get it done. Last Friday I went to an event called L’Union Fait La Force: Strength Through Unity at MIT. It was a showcase of local talent, and ALL of the proceeds went to Partners In Health, which is an organization that gives medical care to people who can’t afford it in places like Siberia, Peru…and Haiti. …
I was a kitty!
Soooo last weekend was Halloween…and we had fun! When I imagined what Halloween would be like in college, I thought one thing: PARTY. Now that's a not a totally flawed idea, but Halloween was a little different for my friends and me this year. We spend last week thinking of costumes, which is harder than it sounds. First I said…