Things to <3 about February

February is a short month, but such an intense one! Sheesh! But it’s half-over, having already been split by Valentine’s day! I hope everybody had a good one! Wellesley celebrated with waffles! I must say, we have a pretty good snack game.

Now, on to tackle the rest of the month. Ethos (organization for women of African descent, of which I am a member) has activities going throughout February to commemorate Black History Month.  This includes a talk with a movie producer Thursday!

BHM 2011 Events

At the same time, the academic schedule is picking up and deadlines are starting to drop for everything from papers to internships. Oh speaking of which – one of my friends just got an awesome opportunity in Cape Verde. “Shout out” to her!

All and all, February is busy, but in the best way.


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