I recently posted about when my day is busy with three back-to-back classes. Now, I’ll do the opposite and give a glimpse of a day with zero classes. For me, that day is Wednesday. My schedule worked out this semester so that I don’t have any classes on Wednesdays and so far it’s really great.
I try to reserve Wednesdays as time to go to office hours or tutoring hours for my classes. In the morning I usually let myself sleep in a little (just a little though because if I let myself sleep in too much, I will fully be unconscious until 3 in the afternoon)
Then in the afternoon, I will occasionally go to Chinese office hours to practice pronouncing my tones, or go to stats tutoring hours if there’s a problem set that I’m struggling with.
Afterwards, I’ll try to find a good study spot to do my homework. I’ve been going to the Starbucks in town to get a drink and do work. I like being productive there but I don’t think regularly going there is good for my bank account, so I’ve been trying to stick to the library or my dorm’s common room to do work. This is also the time when I’ll write these blog posts!
Wednesday nights are for my weekly WZLY social committee meeting. We plan different events that bring the WZLY community together, such as movie nights in the Collins Cinema on campus.
Later in the evening, I have econ tutoring hours that I’ll often go to for help with homework. The tutoring hours are in the far modular lots and walking there in the dark does kind of make me feel like I’m in a horror movie. But the good econ grade is worth it!
Thanks for reading and I’ll include photos from the week.
A very interesting cinnamon roll pizza that they served in the Lulu dining hall
Another snowy view of Galen Stone Tower