Treat People With Kindness by Harry Styles

And if we’re here long enough

We’ll see it’s all for us

And we’ll belong


Maybe we can

Find a place to feel good

And we can treat people with kindness

Find a place to feel good


          As I started writing this post, I noticed that today’s date is July 17th (7/17). I just looked in the upper-right corner of my screen to see that it’s currently 7:17pm. Today also marks my seventh post to this blog. Most people might not have even realized all of this, and those that did would probably pass it off as mere coincidence. I, however, have quite a fascination with the repetition of numbers—what a lot of people refer to as Angel Numbers. 

          According to Sacred Scribes, Angel Number 717 is a message that “the new beginnings and opportunities occurring in your life will bring you into full alignment with your divine life purpose and soul mission.” With everything going on right now, this is certainly a summer of some new beginnings: a global pandemic that seems to be our normal now (still confused about how quickly and slowly this year has gone by because of COVID), starting my term as Wellesley’s College Government President (so, so many new responsibilities, emails and tons! of! meetings!), really switching gears with post-graduate plans (GRE prep is entirely different from LSAT prep, if anyone was wondering), and looking ahead towards so much uncertainty in Wellesley’s new academic year (and unfortunately, my last).

          But if today’s 717 message to me was real, all of these new things should be aligning to bring me closer to feeling fulfilled and on track with my life’s mission. If you read my post last week (which has been one of my favorites that I’ve posted so far!), you know that I don’t feel particularly confident that I know exactly what that life mission is just yet. I know that I want to spend my life making people feel loved, protected, seen and heard. I want to spend my life learning from every interaction I have, and then sharing all that I’ve learned with whomever wants to listen. I want to make people laugh, and help bring people joy. Above all though, I would be satisfied with my lifewhenever it endshad I spent it treating people with kindness.


Harry Styles’ official motto, and the 11th song of his sophomore album.


          When was the last time you did something kind for someone? With all of the chaos surrounding us in this moment, it’s easy to forget to. It could be something unexpected, something meticulously planned, something for a stranger, or something for the person closest to you. It could be something spoken, or a kind gesture, or even a gift. As long as it’s something genuine, that was purely out of your own goodness (and trust me, we all have that goodness inside of us). 

          Whether or not you believe in repeated Angel Numbers, sacred scribes, or numerology, I think we can all agree that treating people with kindness is a great universal message, and it can make us all feel a bit better in this moment. Maybe it’s even enough to be life’s mission in and of itself. 



Tatiana ‘21


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