Back from Spring Break

Hey everybody!


I hope you are doing well! I am back in Wellesley after my Spring Break. To be honest, I didn’t get to rest too much during the break, which is not ideal since we officially entered the sprint before the end of the semester. There are a lot of things to do, but I am happy to be here again.

I was in NYC for most of the break with one of my high school friends that goes to college in California. It was amazing! I had so much fun that I didn’t want to leave and come back to college life reality. I tried a lot of cool new food, went to a Broadway show, and did all the popular touristy stuff. The Broadway show was the highlight of everything though – we saw “Hadestown,” and I loved it so much! The soundtrack of that music has been playing on my Spotify ever since the show. The show follows the Greek myth about Orpheus, but it also has a very modern take on everything. 

I also really enjoyed walking around the city. That’s usually my favorite way to explore any new place I go to – getting lost in the streets and just exploring. I really loved Central Park – the weather was nice, there weren’t many people, and the views were really pretty. I took so many pictures there that I’m sure my phone is really angry with me now. 

I came back to campus on Sunday, and classes started on Monday. Of course, I had a lot of things to do that I didn’t really have the time to think about during Spring Break, so the past few days have been kind of hectic. There’s also the added stress of choosing my classes for next semester. The schedule came out last week, and we are registering for classes in a few weeks. Here’s a photo of my friends and me creating our schedules:

That’s it from me for this week. I hope you are enjoying the warmer weather. Stay safe!

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