Hello Blog,
I cannot lie, it has been a treacherous last few days in Massachusetts. If you are looking for an authentic New England winter experience, Wellesley during these few weeks in February is definitely the place to be. We’ve had lots of snow, and then that snow becomes ice, and then the wind blows and you’re ice skating! (I have fallen twice)
We had a Valentine’s Day craft social for the chamber music society (CMS) where one of our faculty co-directors taught us how to make roses out of ribbon. To be honest, I was not very talented at this craft, but it was still a lot of fun! We try to have social events outside of playing music for CMS at least once a month, and we have funding to buy supplies. 🙂

All of our roses!

Floor time with CMS
I had a pretty chill (pun intended) weekend. My friend and I stayed in on Friday night and watched a movie. Then I went home for a full day to hang out with my family and do some homework. When I got back to campus on Sunday, I practiced cello (I have to perform in my music seminar this week) and got dinner with my roommate. I worked on a funding application for CMS (so we can hold more events next year!) and chatted with my friend for many hours on Sunday evening. On Monday (a holiday) I woke up bright and early to give a tour for admissions! I honestly really like working morning shifts on the weekend because it gets me out of bed and the office gets us lunch. I managed to fit in a quick cello practice session before I took the Loco (Local Motion bus) into Boston with a friend. Because it was a Monday, the bus was free (normally on weekends it’s $3 a ride), which was an added bonus! We met one of our other friends who graduated from Wellesley last year and is working in the city. It was so so so windy out, so we spent most of our time in her apartment and then ventured out for a delightful bowl of ramen in Coolidge Corner. I made it back on the bus just in time for my 8pm weekly Bachelor night with friends. To be frank, we do not really watch the Bachelor at all, but I do enjoy having a dedicated 2 hour hang out time set aside each week.

Waiting for the T with Cynthia and Vivian!!

Braving the elements for friendship
Until next time.
Jade <3