Last blog of the semester!

Hey everyone!

This semester has gone by so fast! I actually can’t believe that I’m writing this last blog. With the last full week of classes wrapping up, I’m trying to get all of my work done for the semester before finals start in less than two weeks.

Image of a tall, stone building behind a green quad.

Pretty views of the campus

As I have shared with you before, I will be staying on campus for the summer because I will be working in the lab of one of my physics professors. This means that for the first time ever I can take my exams whichever day of the exam week I want since I am not trying to catch a flight. This is honestly a great relief as I feel like I could really use a few extra days to prepare.

In total, I have three exams. The Spanish one is a take-home one. For that class, I am a bit behind on work in general, so I will probably spend the whole weekend catching up on late homework. My next exam is for math. I actually had a midterm for that class today, so the material is really fresh in my mind. Then I have my physics one, which I am not too worried about. I have really loved that particular class, which is good I guess, since it’s a big part of my major, hah. For my MIT class, I don’t have a final exam, but I still have to do an end-of-the-year project. MIT classes run until a little later than Wellesley classes do, so I will probably worry about that after exams week here. 

All in all, I really loved this semester. Some of my highlights were the Ruhlman Conference, which was the ending to a really fun journey of a few months of research, lab work, and working; the MarMon weekend, which is such a fun experience; the Slater Spring Fest; my trip to NYC, and many more! I have really loved seeing the campus go from snow to rain and to sunshine. Wellesley’s campus is a really magical place that I hope that many of you will get to experience!

Image of a swan on Lake Waban while a beautiful sunset lingers behind it.

A photo of the lake I took the other day

I have really loved writing about my life at Wellesley here. I’m looking forward to doing it again next semester!

Image of Vyara in the Science Center

I just took my BeReal in the Science Center

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