Leap Day Week

Hi all, 

Happy Leap Day! What an exciting way to end this last week of February. For many, the end of the month brings about upcoming essays, exams, projects, and of course stress! I have been working on finding activities that help me to relax and take a break from the heavy coursework. For this week, it felt fitting to discuss some of my favorite ways to de-stress and relax from the rigorous pace of academic schoolwork. 

  1. Walking! Possibly the most basic idea of them all, my short walks have honestly helped me more than I can express. As the weather has been quite variable, any chance I get to just take a stroll has been a great way to disconnect from the hustle and bustle of schoolwork and lacrosse season. I love to listen to some music and just walk aimlessly around campus for fifteen minutes or so.
  2. Podcasts! This has been a great way to give my mind a rest in the face of so many different assignments. I have been enjoying podcasts by “social media influencers” because it feels like a chance to daydream and catch up on popular culture moments without needing to give much thought to them. 

These are just a couple of my favorite and probably the most basic stress relief tactics that have been working for me lately. If you know any others I am all ears! Managing stress can sometimes itself feel very overwhelming but certainly does not have to be. Here’s to a new month filled with less stress and more relaxation!

Until next week,

Anna Tutek

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