Welcome Back!

Hello Blog,

And just like that, we’re back for another semester! We’re officially two weeks into the semester, and things are already picking up. Here’s how I’ve been filling my time thus far: 

It’s application season! I’ve been spending a lot of time applying to research opportunities for this summer. The past two summers I’ve been at Wellesley doing (paid!) research as part of the Summer Science Research Program. Because I’m planning on applying for graduate school in the fall, my advisor recommended doing research in a completely different environment. The career education department has been a lifesaver throughout this process. I’ve had my personal statements, resume, and application essays looked over multiple times. It’s very easy to make appointments with career ed, and I’m so grateful for the guidance I’ve received.

I’m attending a conference this weekend! I’ll be traveling with one of my labmates and my PI (primary investigator + research advisor) to the Biophysical Society annual meeting. I’m really excited because I’ve never been to an academic conference before. I’ll be presenting the research I’ve been working on over the past two years. Biophysics is a smaller field compared to a field like chemistry, so I’m really looking forward to the experience and connecting with scientists in the field. Something I’m really looking forward to is the talk by the keynote speaker, who was the winner of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2022!

I’m preparing for my junior recital in the Spring and (scarily) it’s only two months away… This means lots of practicing and performing for my friends. After two years, I’ve officially moved to a new regular practice room. This one is much more spacious. My chamber music group is also performing at my recital, so we’ve begun rehearsing again. I’m a little nervous about inviting people to my recital, but I hope it will be fun! I know professors go to student events all the time, so perhaps I will be extending some invitations soon…

Group of friends standing together.

My friends and I at the music department honors recital this past weekend!

On an equally important level, it’s officially Bachelor season. I have never actually watched a complete season of the Bachelor, but this semester my friends and I have blocked off 8–10pm on Mondays for a little study break. I cannot say we’re actually watching the show, but it’s nice to make dedicated plans to spend time with my friends. This past week we made goofy little pom pom creatures. Every night in each residence hall, a RA (resident assistant) hosts CE (community engagement) hours. That night’s activity was Valentine’s Day crafts!

Small creatures made out of pom poms and other crafting materials.

Aforementioned pom pom creatures

Stick around to hear more about my spring semester…

Until next time,

Jade <3

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