Welcome Back to Wellesley!

Hi all,

Wow, has it been some time since we last chatted?! I have greatly missed my time to blog and am grateful to be back and writing. To be honest, I have been having a few medical concerns that needed to get resolved, which meant I had to take a step back from some of my favorite activities. 

While I am certainly feeling much better, it was a challenge to navigate coursework, practice, and extracurricular activities while feeling under the weather. I thought it would be fitting to talk about the importance of taking a step back and allowing oneself to lighten their workload when needed.

For as long as I can remember, I have always despised missing things. Whether it be practice, class, work, or even just a study session, I can’t stand not being able to attend and participate in the activity. This was my reality for a few weeks this semester, and it was extremely challenging to handle emotionally and mentally. 

My mom gave me great advice and would constantly ask me to think about the big picture when I was having these hard feelings about missing out on activities. She would ask, “What’s more important? Your health or _____?” It helped me to put things into perspective. While it certainly did not alleviate all of my anxiety and guilt over being unable to attend, it did help me to level set what needs to be my biggest priority. 

For anyone else who is going through the hardship of wanting to be able to be at 100% but your body is not quite there yet, please know that kindness and grace to yourself go a long way. At the end of the day, prioritizing your health and wellbeing is a sign of strength and should not be felt as anything less. 

I am working to continue to get back on track and will update with any additional ideas and habits that help, but I feel confident in my ability to give myself a bit more grace than I had been giving before. 

Until next week,

Anna Tutek

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