Dear Wellesley community,

We recently learned of a disturbing social media incident targeting a student who is a member of the transgender community at Wellesley College. The incident is currently being investigated by both our Title IX coordinator and by Campus Police, as we take the safety of our community very seriously.

In response, I want to reiterate and reaffirm a statement I made to the Wellesley community in 2018.

Wellesley College is strongly committed to the basic human rights, dignity, and well-being of all Wellesley transgender and gender nonbinary community members.

We will continue to vigorously enforce our campus nondiscrimination policy, which prohibits discrimination of any kind, including on the basis of gender identity and expression.

We are a community that deeply values diversity, embraces our individual differences, and continues the work that will allow all our members to live free from discrimination.

At all times, particularly in moments of challenge, we must uphold our values and treat all members of our community with the respect, care, and concern they deserve.


Paula A. Johnson