Digital Scholarship at Wellesley




Media-Rich Publishing with Scalar

Date/Time: Thursday, Dec. 14, 12:30-1:20pm

Format: Workshop
Level: Introductory to Intermediate. The workshop assumes limited familiarity with web technologies.
Facilitators: Laura O’Brien and Rebecca Darling
Location: Clapp 318

Scalar is a tool for digital scholarly publishing. It combines properties of a traditional book or monograph with the multimedia support and non-linear properties a digital environment affords. Scalar has been used to create media-rich digital archives, monographs, edited collections, textbooks, dissertations, and classroom projects (among many other uses).

In this hands on workshop participants will…

  • Collaborate to build a Scalar publication.
  • Envision how they might use Scalar in their own scholarship or instruction
  • Compare the structure and incorporation of media in Scalar to that of traditional long-form narrative and other digital publishing platforms (such as blogs)

For more information about Scalar, check out this video introduction and these examples:

RSVP here:

Building Digital Exhibits with Omeka and Neatline

Date/Time: Monday, Nov. 13, 12:30-1:20pm

Format: Workshop
Level: Introductory to Intermediate. The workshop assumes limited familiarity with web technologies.
Facilitators: MacKenzie Stewart and Sarah Hoskins
Location: Clapp 318

Seeking an alternative to the research essay? In need of a digital supplement to your scholarly project?

With Omeka, a flexible and open source web-publishing platform, you can present narratives around digital content of all forms–art, videos, documents, or other collections. It was created at the Center for History and New Media (CHNM) at George Mason University and is one of the most widely implemented digital humanities tools. Neatline, an Omeka extension developed by the UVa Scholars’ Lab, adds the ability to explore your narrative through maps and timelines.

See examples of Omeka/Neatline sites here:

Participants will see examples of Omeka and Neatline sites, explore the basics of planning a digital exhibit, and learn to create and describe items (i.e. photos, text, maps), organize items within collections, and publish content for the public.

This is a hands-on workshop and space is limited. Some laptops will available, but please bring your own!

Register Here: 

Visualizing and Analyzing Texts with Voyant

Date/Time: Wednesday, October 18, 2017, 12:30pm-1:30pm

Format: Workshop (lunch provided)
Instructor(s): Laura O’Brien
Location: PNE 327

Want to discover patterns and explore large volumes of data quickly, as a complement to the close reading of texts? Analyzing texts with computational tools allows scholars to easily locate interesting words or phrases within a large collection of documents, track trends in the use of words or phrases over time, compare different texts visually, quickly identify the use of particular words in context, and much more.

In this hands-on workshop, participants will learn some ways that these kinds of analysis have been used in digital scholarship, and explore a popular web-based suite of tools for visualizing and digitally analyzing texts, Voyant. Voyant is free to use and requires no programming experience.

See some examples of visualizations that are possible with Voyant:


Some laptops will available, but please bring your own!

Register Here:

What’s in your Toolbox? Managing your Research Digitally

Tuesday, Sept 26, 2017, 12:30pm-1:30pm

Format: Roundtable Discussion (lunch provided)
Facilitators: Laura O’Brien, Becca Darling
Location: PNE 327

Are there research tasks related to digital scholarship that you wish you could do more easily? These could include:

  • Extracting text from images and PDFs via OCR
  • Organizing large media collections
  • Transcribing audio from interviews
  • Creating maps, timelines, or other visualizations

Have you developed strategies for these or other digital scholarship activities in your research that others could benefit from?

Join us for a facilitated roundtable discussion on digital scholarship tools and strategies for managing tricky research tasks. We invite you to bring your questions and share strategies in an informal setting with colleagues.

Come for lunch and take away free ideas and tools to push your projects forward!

Register Here:

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