Living in New York City is More Sustainable…Right?

Time Square in New York City
Time Square in New York City

Photo taken by JoeyBLS Photography (

By Alisha Pegan 9/23/2015

We have heard the case that living in a big city is one the “greenest” things you can do, especially in a megacity, or giant city, like Cairo, Tokyo, or New York City. The common assumption is as more people live in an area, then the less resources they use collectively. But is that true? In 2015, a group of international scientists released a groundbreaking report that answers this very question. They quantified the electricity use, water consumption, and waste generation for the world’s top 27 megacities. These cities include London, Beijing, Mumbai, New York City, and more, all with over 10 million people. The goal of the paper was to investigate how density, economic activity, and population growth affect the use of energy and resources, as well as confirm whether megacities are beneficial for sustainability.

3 tables comparing the resource and energy flow for 27 megacities

Resource flows for megacities in 2011. (A) Energy use. (B) Water use including line losses. (C) Municipal solid waste production. Values shown are for the megacity populations scaled on a per capita basis from recorded data for the study area population (Methods). Source: Energy and material flows of megacities.


What did they find? New York City is far from sustainable in comparison to its counterparts. It uses more energy and water and produces more waste than any other megacity in the world. To give some context, annually, New York City (pop 22.2 million) uses 2,824 petajoule (PJ) which is equivalent to New York consuming one supertanker full of oil every 1.5 days. The image below can give a sense of scale for a super tanker.

Image of a super tanker greater than 400 meters long.

Comparison of a Knack Nevis supertanker to some of the tallest skyscrapers.


On the other end of the spectrum is Kolkata, India (pop 16.3 million) which uses only one-thirty-sixth as much energy as NYC! To make it worse, New York City consumes 10.9 million megalitre of water in comparison to Jakarta, which consumes a low of 0.48 million megalitre. To top it off, the waste New York City produces is at least double that of all other megacities with approximately 33  megatonne per year in comparison to Dhaka with approximately 1 megatonne per year. New York City is one gluttonous city!

This is not to say that all developed megacities consume, use, and dispose the most, only the megacities in the United States do. Basically, New York City and Los Angeles are energy and resource hogs. Megacities in other developed nations, such as London, Moscow, and Tokyo have undertaken governmental conservation strategies to use less. For example, London decreased electricity usage as a result of a 66% increase in price, energy efficiency in buildings and appliances, and public awareness throughout the city. Moscow is serviced with district heating systems, meaning it uses waste heat from electricity generation. Tokyo has managed to reduce its water leakage rate to only 3% by replacing pipes and improving pipe material.

Based off the previous information, there is no evidence that megacities are sustainable since there is so much variance from city to city. You can, however, assess if you are living in a “green” megacity. First, look at how much land you have. Urbanized land (total developed land) per person and residential floor area per person are useful indicators for energy and electricity use. Therefore, any megacity that builds upwards instead of outwards uses less energy and electricity. Second, look at how much building space you have. Area per capita correlates with water consumption per capita, so in this case, residents in Los Angeles and New York consume more water because they have more building space. So, if you have a bigger house, you will use more water. Third, look at how much money you have. The study found that waste and emissions go up with Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Electricity, transportation, and waste disposal significantly increased because of growing GDP.

It really matters where you live if sustainability is your life’s concern. While you can make it a priority to live a “green” life, where you live will strongly affect  your energy and resource consumption. So, nope, you’re not doing us all a favor moving to New York City. Maybe move to Jakarta instead.

“Sweet Dreams are Made of REEs” Study shows that green technologies are revolutionary, but their production poisons local communities with toxic wastes

Clean technologies depend upon raw materials from mining operations such as the one pictured above in northern China. The black regions are sites of toxic waste created by the mining process. These toxins leach into local soils and foods, and eventually pollute the bodies of local residents.

Green, renewable, and sustainable. These words are frequently used to describe the solar panels, wind turbines, and electric cars that will fuel the future’s energy industry. But did you know that these “clean” technologies are responsible for increased rates of leukemia, mental disability, and toxic poisoning? While green technologies do not pollute the air like a coal-fired power plant, their manufacture requires toxic materials that threaten the health of local mining communities. These toxic materials are known as rare earth elements (REEs), seventeen specialized metals with unique physical and chemical properties. The services provided by the toxic REEs are so unique that no substitutes exist to replace them, meaning they remain essential components of many green technologies.

Despite their name, rare earth elements are not “rare” at all. In fact, they are more common than gold and can be found throughout the Earth’s crust. REEs are “rare” because they exist in concentrations so low that they are difficult to extract profitably. Only a few countries—such as Russia, Brazil, China, and the U.S.—possess deposits with REE concentrations high enough for human use. Unfortunately, mining these deposits poses both environmental and human health risks. The mining wastes contain traces of the toxic REEs. REEs are chronic toxins – that is, over the course of many years, they pollute the kidneys, liver, and lungs.

In 2013, a new study by China’s Fujian Normal University became one of the first to directly quantify the human health threats posed by REE mining operations. To do this, the study surveyed a farming community in southeast China (Fujian Province) that is adjacent to a REE mining facility. Health concerns related to REE mining are particularly pertinent to China, which supplies 86% of the world’s REEs and lacks adequate implementation of environmental and health safety regulations. The study compared the presence of REEs in the environment (soil, crops, and water wells) with REE concentrations in the bodies of local residents who ate locally grown produce (human hair and blood samples).

The study found that Fujian’s soils had high concentrations of toxic REEs, compared to areas without mining operations. Over half of the toxic waste in Fujian’s soil pose little risk to human health, because they attach to clay minerals in the earth. The other half, however, is bio-available; that is, REEs can be freely absorbed by vegetation. As such, locally grown crops absorb some, though not all, of the REEs present in the soil. The study found that local crops in the surveyed area had elevated levels of REE, though not at concentrations above estimated daily intake. Daily intake is the suggested amount of pollutant that is deemed “safe” for human consumption. Certain vegetables with high water contents, such as taro and water spinach, had much higher levels of REE compared with other locally grown foods. While these levels are low, long-term exposure may still cause significant harm, especially to children and infants, who are more vulnerable to the effects of toxic chemicals.

Much like the deadly chemical DDT, REEs can be particularly dangerous toxins because they persist in the bodies of living things for years at a time. This process is known as bioaccumulation, and is particularly dangerous, because plants and animals, including humans, can collect small, harmless doses of chemicals in their bodies over a period of years, until the concentration of chemicals becomes harmful. This is why human breast milk is considered slightly toxic: chemicals that the mother bioaccumulated throughout her lifetime can transfer to her infant through breast milk. Similarly, REEs can persist in the human body for over fifteen years.

The Fujian study demonstrates that while consuming crops with REE concentrations may not be dangerous on a daily basis, the chronic accumulation of REE over many years, especially for young children, presents significant health risks. These risks are already surfacing at Fujian: local residents had elevated REE concentrations in their blood and hair samples. Other environments more heavily polluted by REE mining may already be at risk of health damages, including lower kidney functioning and lung disease. For example, in northern China, where two-thirds of REE mining and processing takes place, REE concentrations in local soils were up to 130 times greater than polluted soils in Fujian.

Unfortunately, toxic REEs can enter the body from many sources. These “exposure pathways” include eating contaminated food, drinking polluted water, and breathing or touching REE particles in the air. While REE pollution from only one of these sources may be considered “safe,” the cumulative impacts of multiple sources pose significant threats to human health. For example, in one East Asian mining community, some houses were just 20 meters away from REE manufacturing facilities. After the mine’s arrival, a significant number of community members contracted, and died from, leukemia, and several local children were born with severe mental disabilities.

On a global scale, green technologies promise to address serious environmental problems, such as global warming, by cutting the carbon emissions from dirty industries. However, are these technologies really “green” if they depend upon the pollution of local communities? To be truly “clean,” solar panels and wind turbines cannot ignore their origins. A green and healthy future should be available to all communities.

Mobilizing Resiliency: Protecting Mobile Home Communities through Social Ownership

A photo of a row of mobile homes on an Appalachian hillside

A view of an Appalachian mobile home community. Source: Interpopulus.

Graphic breaking down mobile home community statistics

Trailer parks have emerged as symbol of personal failure in the United States, yet more than 20 million people live in mobile homes today. Are these 20 million Americans really failing, or is our understanding of mobile home communities the problem?

Despite social stigmas against “trailer parks”, studies have shown that residents are overwhelmingly satisfied with life in their mobile homes. Especially in the rural US, where over half of all mobile homes are located, these “trailer parks” play an important role in establishing communities. In a rural landscape, mobile home communities can bring together people who share similar backgrounds and ideologies, forming a strong sense of community and support. In fact, sociologists and community planners have noted that mobile home communities may be the “last genuine communities in America.”

However, because the majority of mobile home communities are for-profit, privately-owned enterprises, owners can subject residents to undemocratic and unpredictable management. Although many people in mobile home communities own their homes, they only rent the land they rest upon. On a whim, a landlord can uproot a decades-old community when another business model becomes more lucrative. As urban sprawl causes rural property values to steadily increase, these landlords are telling communities of mostly working-class and elderly residents to leave.

But in a recent study, a group of researchers from Appalachian State University show how mobile home communities can protect themselves through social ownership models. Specifically, the study focuses on Mark Park– a mobile home community of primarily Latin@ residents located within the town of Burnsville, NC that resisted the sale of their community by purchasing it themselves.

The study is especially important for Latin@ mobile home communities throughout Appalachia. In Burnsville, Latin@s only make up 4 percent of the community, whereas 95 percent of the population is white. Throughout Appalachia, this demographic is common, as people of color only make up a small fraction of the predominately white demographic. Yet, Latin@ communities have needs, cultural values, and languages that differ from those of white, Appalachian communities. By forming their own mobile home community, Latin@ residents can work together and support one another as they navigate a region that does not always represent them or their culture.

The focus of the study, Mark Park, is a primarily Latin@ community of 13 homes which rest upon an Appalachian hillside. The study shows how Mark Park can be a model of action for similar mobile home communities throughout Appalachia. To protect and gain ownership of their community, the residents of Mark Park established a land trust called the Burnsville Land Community. Through the land trust, they established a non-profit organization led by a Board of Trustees that oversees the land, facilities, finances, and infrastructure of the community. The non-profit collects rent from community members, and it also takes charitable donations and assistance from other non-profits in order to operate sustainably.

For Mark Park, a local non-profit called the Community Re-investment Association of North Carolina (CRA-NC) played an important role in establishing their land trust. After the residents of Mark Park failed to secure a loan from local banks to establish their trust, CRA-NC agreed to provide the community with a 0% interest loan that allowed them to purchase the land.

The study shows that establishing the land trust has made noticeable impacts on the livelihoods of the residents of the mobile home community. Not only has the agreement eased fears of displacement, but it has also inspired residents to put more work into their homes and their community, both individually and collectively. Because the land trust provides members with a $300 loan for home-improvements, many residents have started renovating parts of their homes, something they would have otherwise been unable to afford.

One resident noted that he was inspired to make improvements to his home because he now feels “protected” thanks to the trust. In addition, the Burnsville Land Community has invested in improving in its roadways, utility systems, and erosion issues that were previously jeopardizing the community. “We got a better community from the project… The people is working more together than they was back then [sic],” another resident noted.

For the millions of people across the US who currently live in mobile home communities, the Burnsville Land Community can be used as a model for change. By joining together, they can defy the negative stereotypes that too often peg them as “failures” and “trailer trash”. Instead, mobile home communities can use their collective strength to take back their communities and their identities.


From: Milstead, T.M., Post, J., Tighe, R., Ramsey, D. Preserving Appalachian mobile home communities through social ownership models: a case study of the Burnsville Land community. J Rural Community Dev. 2013;8:48–61.

Endangered Leatherback Turtles: Saving Earth’s Last Dinosaur

A diver is trying to unwrap a leatherback turtle from the fishing net that is has become tangled in.

By Shivani Kuckreja

Imagine a world in which your children can watch from afar as leatherback turtles wade out of the water and rest themselves on the warm sands that your children share with creatures that date back to 100 million years ago. Imagine the opportunity to witness a female leatherback turtle lay eggs and return to the water while you watch for any signs of life under thin white shells. Imagine swimming overhead these beautiful creatures in the vast expanse of the eerily calm ocean.

Unfortunately, this imaginary world stands in sharp contrast to what we see today. Today, the endangered leatherback turtle population is at risk of going extinct. These turtles are being found washed ashore in fishing nets, their necks covered with fish hook incisions. Their shells remain wrapped in plastic litter for so long that they often become deformed. Furthermore, in Chile, Peru, and Mexico, leatherback turtles are seen as pests to be exterminated. The most pressing problem that leatherback turtles face, however, is their lack of solitary nesting space.

Oftentimes, the eggs of leatherback turtles are smuggled in bulk to serve as sources of food, particularly in Malaysia. Furthermore, heavy machinery and fast-moving vehicles on beaches can crush leatherback turtle eggs, leaving fewer hatchlings to contribute to overall population growth. The graph below illustrates the decrease in leatherback turtle nesting in Malaysia’s Terengganu State.


A graph illustrating the decrease in leatherback turtle nesting in Malaysia’s Terengganu State, Malaysia.


Leatherback turtles are as important as they are majestic. The species works wonders for our ecosystems and helps our economy thrive. Fewer leatherback turtles in our waters will have serious repercussions. The turtles’ main source of nutrition is jellyfish, and leatherback turtles prey on jellyfish most often compared to other turtles. In a single day, a leatherback turtle can consume up to 440 pounds worth of jellyfish. Thus, the loss of the leatherback turtle population would cause a burgeoning of the jellyfish population. Because jellyfish feed on fish larvae, the populations of commercially popular fish could decline, impacting fishermen and consumers, thus impacting our economy.

What comes as the largest surprise is that saving earth’s last dinosaur may not be that expensive. On a quest to understand “the most cost-effective means of achieving increases in leatherback populations” (Gjertsen, et al., 2014), researchers looked at three different leatherback turtle conservation strategies: Papua, Indonesia’s nesting beach protection (beginning in the early 2000s), the Hawaiian longline’s turtle take governance in swordfish fisheries, and California’s time and area-related closures within the drift gill net fishery.

Building off of previous studies in Indonesia, Hawaii, and California, researchers Gjertsen, Squires, Dutton, and Eguchi found that the most cost-effective means of growing the leatherback turtle population is by establishing nesting beach protection. While Indonesia’s nesting beach efforts cost an estimated $209, 261 annually and save an estimated 134 adult female leatherback turtles per year, the other two efforts cost more and yield smaller benefits. The estimated annual cost of Hawaii’s longline turtle take regulations is $2,805,426 while benefits fall short at the estimated saving of 100 adult female leatherbacks. Similarly, the closures in California cost an annual fee of about $2,053,964 but is estimated to be saving only 10 adult female leatherbacks annually. The study concludes that if we want to save the turtle population, we should look to invest time, effort, and money into encouraging and improving nesting site conservation.

Conservation can begin at your local beach. It can be as simple as asking the lifeguard to enforce rules that keep people away from resting turtles on the beach. Perhaps beaches with frequenting turtles can have informational guides that raise awareness about the beautiful and valuable leatherback turtle and about its current status of endangerment.

Conservation efforts can also take place at the government and policy level. Governments can section off 20% of every beach solely for leatherback turtle and other sea creature nesting. In such a situation, monitoring and enforcement will help nesting site conservation be as effective as possible. If someone enters the conservation section of beach, they do so at the risk of being fined $100.

The World Wildlife Fund has already taken steps in the right direction to help ensure that leatherback turtle populations grow and thrive in the coming years. By establishing marine protected areas, these turtles are free to nest and migrate at ease.

While these serve as just a few example of the many ways in which nesting site conservation can pan out, changing social norms and re-evaluating our values will be at the forefront of the discussion on saving the leatherback turtle. How long can we humans maintain our superiority over other creatures? When will we fully understand that we rely on everyone and everything in our environment? What will it take for us to learn that we should work to coexist with other creatures?

Are “Green” Technologies Dirty? The Environmental Costs of Rare Earth Metal Mining and Processing

From the massive adoption of cell phones and other consumer electronics, to the emergence of solar and wind energy, the impact of technology on modern society has been revolutionary. Yet the very successes of these new technologies depend upon the destruction of the environment and human health. One major cause of this destruction is the production of rare earth minerals (REM), an essential and irreplaceable component of most modern technologies. The minerals naturally exist in low concentrations, and often in the presence of radioactive materials. Processing just one ton of the minerals into a usable form results in two thousand tons of toxic waste. In 2012, the wind industry alone, which utilizes REM in wind turbine engines, was responsible for the production of at least 1 billion tons of toxic waste.

The battery in this Toyota Prius contains nearly 20 pounds of rare earths. How much toxic waste was produced from the manufacture of this one car?

In most cases, the waste is directly dumped into the environment without treatment. This is especially the case in China, which supplied 86% of the world’s REM in 2015. For example, in the Baotou region, a large 2,400-acre black lake was created from polluted water released by REM processing factories. The lake also polluted local soils and groundwater so much so that in a nearby farming community all crops and livestock died, and residents developed various illnesses. Historically, the protests of local East Asian communities against mining operations have been unsuccessful. Despite its detrimental health effects, REM production is spreading rapidly to other countries, including Brazil, Mongolia, India and the U.S., due to increased demand, and lack of adequate substitutes. While the minerals are essential for many consumer goods, their creation comes at the cost of the health and environments of vulnerable communities. Can society produce a world with green, efficient technology without polluting the rest of the world?

Can Megacities Be Sustainable?

Skyline of Tokyo during the night

Picture taken by toykoform (

9/15/2015 by Alisha Pegan

As the plane descends for landing, what is your first thought when you peek out the airplane window and take in the countless lights, cars, and buildings living below?

A common reaction is “WOW. There are so, so many!”. Yes, so many things and people buzzing about and taking up resources, water, energy, human capital. So, what feeds it all? Where does the supply begin and where does it end? And in the perspective of sustainability: is there a way to make it full circle? Is there and could there be a self-sustaining megacity?

This question is a global concern. The WorldBank statistics indicate that currently 54% of the global population lives in urban areas and by 2030 it will increase 66%. As urban density increases, county and city governments are investigating and applying strategies to manage the people, as well as their short and long term needs, while providing a high quality of life. Navigating the intercept of quality of life and sustainability on a city-wide level can provide systematic solutions, such as livability, green infrastructure, and resilience. Various megacities will serve as case studies elaborating best and worst cases for different mitigation and adaption strategies, and since these diverse solutions need diverse input from politicians, citizens, intellects, and artists, there will also be investigations of why the strategies may or may not work from social, environmental, and economic factors.