WARNING: Not for Realists

Animated film Millennium Actress (2001) is at its heart a drama, following the life of a Japanese actress as she chases a man she meets in passing, falls in love with and sees only once more. In the hands of Satoshi Kon, a master director of animated films, this simple love-story turns into an adventure that takes you from present day to feudal Japan to the moon and blurs the fine line between reality and fiction. From setting to animation to storytelling, Millennium Actress is unconventional and fantastical as it explores the love that drives the actress through her life.

The film begins with two men, Genya, a documentary filmmaker, and Ida, his cameraman, traveling to interview the actress, Chiyoko Fujiwara, for a documentary on the story of her career and life. She starts to tell them the story of the painter she fell in love with as a girl and in what starts as a typical flashback, present day Genya and Ida appear to follow a young Chiyoko around. Kon smoothly inserts them into the scene, so smoothly that we don’t even notice the transition at first. And odd though it may seem when we think about it, the symbolism works perfectly. Not only do the two men represent us as we breach the barriers of time and privacy to witness Chiyoko’s life, but their presence comments on the absurdity that we expect, in documentary films such as theirs, to see such “original footage.”

Millennium Actress’s wonders don’t stop there: the film gets even better as Kon plays with the fluidity of the scene and setting. Unbeknownst to us, the flashback that we, Genya and Ida are watching has morphed into a scene from one of her dramas. As Ida so elegantly puts it, “When did this turn into a movie?!” The setting shifts fluidly between the present day, Chiyoko’s past and the movies she stars in, and we are never sure of how much of what we see is fact or fiction—and it doesn’t matter. It is Chiyoko’s desire to reunite with her painter that drives her through both her life and her movies, and the search for plain, realistic facts pales in comparison to the emotional journey she takes.

Kon risked bringing down the entire film with this constant changing of setting and deliberate obscuring of fact and fiction. The wide range of settings—from Chiyoko’s past to the present day interview (1920s Japan to 2000s) and all her different movies that span historical dramas to futuristic sci-fi—would be a lot to keep straight in a realistic film, let alone one that tells realism “Sayonara.” It could have been all too easy for us to get lost in the plethora of times and the gray area between reality and movie. There is an even greater risk of this happening with Western viewers since much of the distinction between settings is based on an instant visual recognition of period costumes, technology and architecture that we don’t have.

And while this narrative style can be challenging to follow at times, overall Kon and his team do an amazing job clarifying settings shifts. They use jumps cuts where the movement of a character stays the same between shots, but everything else—scenery, make-up, other characters, costumes—changes. Chiyoko may be a ninja running through a forest when she starts to fall, but it is a geisha in the pleasure quarters of Kyoto who hits the ground.  Thanks to Kon’s stunning design team, we might not know which era a costume and scenery is from, but we can certainly tell that it’s different from the previous one. Moreover, Kon and his team use Genya and Ida as on-screen spectators to reassure us that we’re not crazy, and yes that did just happen. See? Ida’s stunned too. Not only do these characters’ exclamations and comments guide us as we change rapidly from setting to setting, but they also inject some much needed humor and comic relief into the film as the tension in Chiyoko’s drama skyrockets.

The other factor that keeps us from losing track of the central story is the reappearance of supporting characters, in different costumes for different settings of course. Eiko Shimao, the former star who must now give up her place to the young and beautiful Chiyoko, reprises time and again the role of the older women Chiyoko must confront. There is also the wraith who condemns Chiyoko to burn in the flames of eternal love during a movie sequence and then haunts her through the rest of her real life. The twist at the end of Millennium Actress makes us think about the regrets we have in life as it finally explains the wraith’s words, “I hate you more than I can bear. I love you more than I can bear.” The characters and Chiyoko’s desire stand out in sharp relief against the backdrop of a ceaselessly changing set, holding the film together as a united whole.

That these characters reappear so often throughout the story of Chiyoko’s life means that like her, they must age, and I want to take a moment to recognize both the voice actors’ and the art designer’s stellar work in aging the characters. It is no small feat in anime to subtly change a character’s design as they age. The artist in charge of character design does a spectacular job of aging Chiyoko and others gradually, making Chiyoko at thirteen as different from twenty-five as from seventy, but still recognizable as herself. The mole under her left eye certainly helps to make her always identifiable, but considering how useful I find it, I won’t call it the easy way out. On top of that, three separate actresses voice Chiyoko, one for each time period of her life, to give her voice the authentic wide range of sound as her story unfolds.

Brilliant though I think this movie is, it is not for everyone. Aside from the challenge of keeping up with the various settings, the lack of definitive answers could drive some viewers nuts. We never do find out at what point Chiyoko’s story becomes a movie, and that only continues to hold true as the film progresses. Millennium Actress is not for the viewer who wants to put every detail into nice little boxes labelled “real” and “fictive.” For all those who aren’t realism prudes, though, I highly recommend this spectacular and unique film.

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