Week 1: Before I Leave for Cyprus

George Enjoying Being Outside

Hi everyone! Because I still have not left for Cyprus, this weeks post takes place in my friend’s backyard. I found a spot outside and sat down to write about the things around me. It’s still a bit cold so my hands were freezing but it was still nice to not be inside. There were many birds around me because of the bird feeder at the top of his home. I was able to recognize some of them, such as a female and male cardinal. There was a slight breeze which made the trees rustle and creek. My friend’s mom had also told me about her pussy willow tree and I was finally able to really look at and study it. There are many buds which have not opened up yet, but will. My friend also has two Great Pyrenees and they sat outside with me while I wrote. The cold air filled my nose and made it hard to smell anything else. I leave for Cyprus tomorrow and arrive on Monday. Althought I am going to miss Massachusetts, I am excited for the changes Cyprus will bring.

Pussy Willow Tree

One thought on “Week 1: Before I Leave for Cyprus

  1. Hi Ruby,

    It’s so nice that you were able to spend time with a friend before your semester starts! Looking forward to reading the rest of your adventures 🙂

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