Prompt 2–The climate of Bologna

Ciao! The weather in Bologna changes every week. Last week is was grey, cloudy, and windy, but this week it is sunny and warm–I can sit outside with out a scarf! These changes in weather make me appreciate the warm days more, and it is so lovely to see people sitting outside together. The animal that I chose to observe was a pigeon because there are  so many and they are not afraid of people at all. Something that struck me about my pigeon friend was the colours– the blues and purples of his feathers stood out brightly against his grey feathers and the grey day.  I also noticed the pigeon’s feet, which I had never realised had such sharp claws. While I was sitting watching this pigeon, I wondered about his relationship with other pigeons. Do pigeons have friends? Do they have a preference in temperature? Perhaps I am embuing too many human qualities, but these were my thoughts. This pigeon reminded me of all of the pigeons in Boston, and helped me feel more connected with Bologna, because of the constancy of pigeons.




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