Week 2 – Chilly But Chilling

Hello! My second reflection in Freiburg begins at my same sit spot, on the side of the lake with many sounds of birds surrounding me. Today it is 38 degrees with much less wind than last week, and I’m once again observing the dusky hour before sunset. I really noticed the variations in the bird chirps and I think I’m beginning to understand some differences between the calls of the native Freiburg bird species. I really noticed the presence of ducks swimming through a shaded peaceful area of the lake today, and noticed the brightness of the green necks of the Mallards and how they flirted with the females, showing off their necks. Freiburg is considered the sunniest city in Germany and today I really noticed this, especially as it remained lighter after sunset for about another hour; last week it still felt like sunsets were early and dark. Rainfall has been medium this week (about 2 days of pouring rain, but dry the other days) and the grass and reeds seem greener because of this. I’m excited to see what spring will bring.

One thought on “Week 2 – Chilly But Chilling

  1. Props to you for getting outside in the cold!! If you’re interested in learning about different bird calls, I recommend the Merlin Bird ID app, which can listen and identify birds by sound! I’m sure there will be more birds showing up as spring rolls in 🙂

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