¡Hola! All is well in Puerto Natales with the sun still shining at 6:45 pm!
Though my sit spot is facing a beautiful fjord, the drinking water in this city is not supplied by the fjord but rather deep wells. It is a bit surprising that the water here doesn’t come from the nearby glaciers/glacial melt but given that this is such a small city and that the glaciers aren’t exactly in sight I suppose this makes sense. Though drinking water is not sourced from local water reservoirs here, this region of Chile holds significant importance for water overall. The Magallanes region of Chile holds 80% of the country’s wetlands. These wetlands provide crucial hubs for biodiversity and ecosystem services as a whole. In terms of energy, the majority of the energy in Chile comes from fossil fuels. Aside from fossil fuels, the amount of wind and sun here allow for a great potential for more sustainable energy sources.