Post 4 – Place in the Community

Over the past few days, the area around my sit spot at the Square des Batignolles has been obstructed because of ongoing construction efforts to remove some of the trees by ordinance of the city. I was able to make my way around the blockage, and I found another sit spot within the park. From this spot, I can feel the morning breeze and the sun beaming on my face. The weather in Paris finally feels like spring. I see a family of geese seeping together and a few ducks on the other side of a large patch of grass I am facing. I came in the early morning and there are some ducks that are up early and gliding across the pond. I notice these bunches of purple flowers; I think they were planted sometime between now and my last visit. I appreciate the pop of color they give to the park.









The community around me is best defined by the groups of children following their parent(s) or caregivers. I also see older couples going out for a stroll. However, there is a large presence of construction workers that take over the sound and visual aspects of the park. The loud hum of the tree cutters overpowers the chirping of the birds or the sputtering of water as it moves down the stream. In this sense, I feel at community with the other park visitors rather than the city workers at this particular moment.


One thought on “Post 4 – Place in the Community

  1. We have also had a lot of construction going on on campus. This past week, they started working on pipes under the main path into campus so we’ve had to detour through the Arboretum Kettle which has made me think about construction noise vs natural sounds too.

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