Journal Entry #7 – The Nation and Climate Change

I am not sure of the specific measures that the French government has taken to combat climate change. One policy I’ve heard is that France is aiming to eliminate green house gas emission on French soil by 2050, which is an ambitious goal. Climate education is also part of the primary and secondary school curriculum. […]

Art, Literature, and Media

It was raining a little bit as I was walking out to my sit spot. It felt different though as I can hear the sound of the rain hitting my umbrella and the sound of the wind. I can see trees swaying by the wind. The field looks so green; it seems like the plants […]

Entry 6 – Cherry Blossom

Here at my sit spot, I am facing a cherry blossom tree overlooking the pond in the center. I closed my eyes, and I pictured my arms as the branches of the tree. It’s starting to rain, and I can feel the droplets collecting in my hair like the way raindrops collect on flower petals. […]

week 5 – urban green space

Something I have been thinking about recently is the amount of green space in Copenhagen. As the days get longer and people start spending more time outdoors, my attention is drawn to the spaces where people gather in nature. Living in the city since January, my observations have been that there is a surprising lack […]