Blog Post #1: Hej!

Hej everyone! My name is Daisy (she/her pronouns), and I am writing to you all from Stockholm, Sweden! I wanted to study abroad in Stockholm because it is know to be 1/3 water, 1/3 green space, and 1/3 urban. I’ve found beautiful cities and beautiful parks in the US, but it’s been harder for me […]

1: One river, many faces

Serbia is a landlocked nation, but Yugoslavia, which Serbia was part of until its violent collapse in the 1990s, had a seaside via Croatia and Montenegro. An older woman I spoke to lamented the loss of her country which “had it all” in terms of nature. Although Serbia has no seaside, it is by no […]

1: Sitting by the Lake

I am glad my college has a lake, one that is beautiful, filled with wildlife, and ringed by trees and benches. I thought, being in the middle of a city, it would be all cobblestones and pavement, but every time I walk by the lake it feels like I am far away, in someplace much […]

Blog #2: Hot weather and healthy plants!

I sat in the same place again (it may be growing on me!), right outside my dorm. Something I noticed was the wind, which is warmer than the wind from where I lived in San Diego. I’m at the same distance from the ocean, and I wonder if the mountains (or lack thereof) have anything […]

1: A Walk Around the Lake

Just like at Wellesley, walking around the Worcester College lake is a nice way to spend a sunny afternoon. Unlike Lake Waban, though, at Worcester College you can circle the whole lake in about twenty minutes (except for the one portion that’s blocked off because it’s essentially the Provost’s backyard). In that sense, it’s really […]

From The Beginning

Hello from Tübingen, Germany! My only mental image of Tübingen prior to my arrival came from the framed photos hanging on the walls of the German department. The city was a blanket of red roofs and cobblestoned streets that I imagined myself one day walking through. I figured that Tübingen would always exist to me […]

Привет from Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan!

Привет! I am writing to you from the English Corner of the American University of Central Asia in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. AUCA is located in the southern part of the city- a good 45-60 minutes from my home in the city center. While the commute makes me feel like a sardine on a bus every morning, […]

The Green Apartment

I am not used to living in a city, but Córdoba is growing on me. Especially because of my host mom, who has filled our apartment with all sorts of greenery. She told me the other day that she bought the plants to keep her company and I can see why. They have a silent […]