Привет from Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan!


I am writing to you from the English Corner of the American University of Central Asia in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. AUCA is located in the southern part of the city- a good 45-60 minutes from my home in the city center. While the commute makes me feel like a sardine on a bus every morning, the fresher air down here and view is worth it. I have been in Bishkek for 3 weeks now and after week 2 went by I kept waiting for the other shoe (homesickness) to drop, but it’s not dropping! Maybe I am still in my Euphoria / Honeymoon phase but I think my host family has helped me a lot when I start to think of home. I have two younger sisters (10 and 11 years old) and a host mother. They have been so welcoming- between teaching me how to make boorsok, inviting me to their grandfather’s birthday, and going to a store to dress up in traditional jewelry there is always something exciting happening at home. During orientation we were told that Bishkek is a very green and walkable city and I can confirm it’s true! Especially compared to Boston and New York, Bishkek has a lot of green space integrated into the city. The horses in the front yard of our school and snow capped mountains on the horizon are everyday occurrences now (although the mountains still always surprise me) but I’m always a little shocked by the flower gardens, boulevards, and abundant parks across the city. There were a lot of candidates for good sit spots, but I ended up choosing a spot that captured the urban park environment for- I think it also reminded me a lot of home in New York. A couple blocks from my house cutting through the city center is a mile long boulevard. The two walkways in the park are cushioned in between two major roads by grassy lanes lined with trees. Here and there you can find a gazebo or famous Kyrgyz poet as well. Everytime I sit in the park to journal I feel like I am observing a small slice of people’s lives. I’ve seen kids take their first steps, boys give their girlfriends flowers, and friends skipping down the lane singing their favorite songs. It is the perfect place to sit among the trees, take a break, and observe the city. Well, that’s it for my quick intro to Bishkek! More to come on the latest hikes, waterfalls, and horse treks!

