From The Beginning

Hello from Tübingen, Germany!

My only mental image of Tübingen prior to my arrival came from the framed photos hanging on the walls of the German department. The city was a blanket of red roofs and cobblestoned streets that I imagined myself one day walking through. I figured that Tübingen would always exist to me like that. 

I’ve lived here for almost 3 weeks now, and what I didn’t expect was how much nature surrounds Tübingen. In the north of the city, where I live, hiking trails weave their way through the edges of the Swabian Alps and connect to smaller towns nestled in green valleys. I found my sit spot on the day I moved in. As I tried to navigate my neighborhood, I crossed the wrong bridge in search of the bus stop and arrived on a hillside surrounded by houses and university buildings. In a way, I see my home in the grassy fields of the hills, while the red roofs traditional to Germany anchor me here. Crab apples trees dots the hills and cats roam the tall grasses. I’ve returned to my spot often, whether to sit on a bench and read or as a stopping point during a nighttime walk with friends. Regardless, I think of how even new places can have shadows of familiarity that create a sense of belonging.


Some pictures of my sit spot!

Pictured: Meeting the local cats and building architecture


Below are some shots from hiking outings! I’ve loved exploring the small towns in the area.