1: A Walk Around the Lake

Just like at Wellesley, walking around the Worcester College lake is a nice way to spend a sunny afternoon. Unlike Lake Waban, though, at Worcester College you can circle the whole lake in about twenty minutes (except for the one portion that’s blocked off because it’s essentially the Provost’s backyard). In that sense, it’s really more of a pond, but the ducks seem pretty satisfied with it anyway. 

A duck enjoying the afternoon sun by the Worcester College lake.

The weather was sweltering the first week after I arrived: a long streak of warm days after what had apparently been a cold, gloomy summer. Moving in under the burning British sun was no easy feat, but I’m grateful for the chance to experience the lush greenery of Oxford’s many gardens before the autumn leaves start to fall. White water lilies are still blooming on the water, and I even spotted a handful of ripe blackberries growing on the banks. Now that the days are getting colder, I’m not sure how much longer the blossoms and berries will last, but I’m looking forward to watching my lakeside sit spot change with the seasons during my time here.

This spider spun its web right next to the path! Like it was posing for a picture.


Blackberry brambles are everywhere here! I found these ripe berries by the Oxford Canal.


One of the last roses of summer in the Trinity College gardens.


Sunset at the lakeside sit spot.

3 thoughts on “1: A Walk Around the Lake

  1. Lovely photos (especially the last one), Annie! It must be nice to have a familiar water walk on campus 🙂

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