Post #2: Are you ready for the cold?

Hej again folks!

This week I spent some time observing these branches outside:

As you can see some of the leaves are still super green and some are totally yellow. The branch is lined with fuzz and some of the leaves are no longer whole. It’s likely obvious that this change is happening as leaves are making preparation for the cold Swedish winter.


My question is, what are we doing as humans to prepare for the winter? We start of the semester by getting busy with schoolwork and clubs. Then, as it gets cold, we don’t adjust much to account for this change. Sure, we move things inside and put on a coat, but I would argue that is not enough to embrace this true seasonal change.


As the days have gotten shorter in Sweden, I have gotten to see what the locals here do to embrace the change. And let me tell you, they do a lot. They buy candles to light during dinner. They decorate the streets with lights. They bring out the hot coco and board games. They start the baking. They put away the summer furniture and pull out the blankets.

My point in all of this is to learn from the leaves (and the Swedes). We are undergoing a big change at the moment. Don’t try to keep being the same as you have been. Embrace the external change. Lean into the cold.


Be like the leaves!


Until next time,
