It’s finally raining here! And the weather has gotten colder, I couldn’t be happier about these changes. I’m also very glad because I went on a trip to France over the weekend and I had never been and it was so very beautiful. I would like to go again and of course I want to visit other places in the European continent but, as always, being a Paulson fellow has got me thinking about the cost of all this traveling. Exploring new places is exciting and it gives me an opportunity to experience nature’s wonders, from the familiar to the things that don’t exist back at home in the States. And that’s great, but I also can’t ignore the fact that the more that I travel the more my carbon footprint grows. I know I’m just one person, but my newfound passion for traveling is something I want to continue in the future. Which means the impact I create will only get bigger and bigger. Is it better not to travel at all? I don’t think so. But I’m also not sure what I can do to reduce my carbon footprint. Maybe there’s nothing left for me to do, since I already walk everywhere. For now I will say it’s enough that I care about finding a solution. And when I do think of something to do then, well, I’ll do it.