Prompt 4: Local & Climate Change

I’ll start with some unfortunate news… construction has gotten a little too busy right next to my sit spot, and I’m forced to find another. I’ve been thinking about a place near a patch of bougainvillea trees on campus! It’s near the front of campus, so loads of students pass under them every day. I suppose that’s a form of community, because I see students stop to appreciate them, just like I do. Our collective appreciation could be a form of community. I also see lots of bees pollinating the flowers, so they also add to the community of my sit spot.

For carbon emissions, I have to calculate a couple of flights: San Francisco to Los Angeles, Los Angeles to London, and finally, London to Larnaca (Cyprus). The calculated total is about 2t; just for one-way! I think a really cool project could be tree restoration; the lumber/timber industry is very complicated in here in Cyprus. I’d love to do some type of restoration work or work with a community garden. I think that could help offset my carbon emissions and also give me a chance to interact with the local community.

Until next time,



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