新店溪 and 新电力 – Xindian River and New Electricity

I must admit that while my last post began with my first world woes of typhoons cancelling some  activities, I really only experienced about a little more than a week of heavy rain while in Taiwan. In my research I found that a large part, up to 97% of the water supplied to Taipei comes from the Xindian river and is held in the Feitsui watershed. Some of the larger typhoons in the last few decades provided tons and tons of water, at times enough for five million citizens forty day water supply.

In terms of power and electricity, Taiwan mostly generates power from fossil fuel which surprised me as Taiwan is a relatively progressive country in comparison to other countries in East Asia. Renewable usage is very low, but solar seems to be growing a bit in popularity. Some differences in power usage in my day to day life included hang drying my laundry, using public transportation or being able to walk almost everywhere in the city, and most restaurants closing for a few hours somewhere between 3 and 5 for a break which seems like a very resourceful and renewable form of energy use to me.

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