Witness in a Changing World

In the living room of my Spanish apartment we have a glass coffee table. And when we turn on the TV, the image gets reflected. Like two equal and opposite worlds: one on top and one beneath it. The same picture from a different perspective. I think that’s how the narrative about nature is here. Because on one side, there are so many natural wonders to celebrate. There are olives and wine grapes and flower festivals. There are rolling hills where the farmland stretches on for miles. But none of it is sustainable, everything is slowly dying. Everything is drying out. Because Spain is in drought and it only gets worse. 

That makes me super lucky to be here when I am. Because the beauty that I am experiencing, all the fountains gushing with fresh water, all the green parks bursting with bird song. It will be long gone. 

I find it so strange that the world goes on changing irrevocably. And we just keep living our daily lives. I will try to keep my eyes open. Bare witness. 

The sun is setting on this world that we know.
Even so, there is still so much beauty! (Alhambra, Spain)
Gardens of the Alhambra (Spain).


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