8(Finale). Capturing Cultural Threads: Reflections on My Semester Abroad and the Unifying Power of Art

As the end of my semester abroad draws near, I find myself reflecting on the incredible journey of the semester. The multitude of perspectives I’ve encountered has woven a rich tapestry of learning—about the world and about myself. From savoring new cuisines to navigating unfamiliar languages and customs, each experience has contributed to my personal growth.

One key takeaway that I plan to carry forward is the art of adaptation. This goes beyond just adjusting to new environments; it involves a deeper understanding of where I’m headed, how I’ll get there, and appreciating the diverse ways things are done in different places. I’ve realized that being an agent of change starts with thinking more and taking purposeful action.

Living in a new country provided more than just a change of scenery. It became a lesson in cultural immersion, challenging me to navigate unfamiliar spaces with different customs. This experience taught me not only how to approach a new country but also how to learn, speak, and act within its unique cultural context.

The insights gained from this adventure extend beyond the personal realm, aligning with both my past and future academic, social, and professional aspirations. As someone aspiring to work abroad, this immersive experience is instrumental in shaping my career goals. It serves as a litmus test, allowing me to confirm my passion for international work and assess the intricacies of living and working in diverse environments. On an academic front, the opportunity to take classes unavailable at Wellesley broadened my intellectual horizons.

With my final project encapsulating the omnipresence of art, I hope those attending my presentation at Tanner next year will glean not only the beauty captured through my lens but also valuable insights into the pros and cons of studying abroad. I aim to shed light on aspects I wish I had known before embarking on this journey—the practicalities of costs, the nuances of cultural adaptation, and the multifaceted nature of the experience.

In essence, I aspire for my audience to leave with a comprehensive understanding of the challenges and rewards associated with studying abroad, providing them with valuable insights that extend beyond the glossy surface of the experience.

My final project for the Paulson ISF fellowship encapsulates the essence of my semester. It features a collection of images capturing art on campus—a sculptor’s grove, intricate wood carvings on an old tree stump, and various other snapshots that resonated with me. Through my lens, I’ve come to feel the profound influence of art as a unifying force that transcends geographical and cultural boundaries.

Each photograph has the power to evoke emotions without uttering a word or disclosing a specific location. In this fellowship, I’ve discovered that the ability to feel knows no borders. It’s a sentiment that binds us all, fostering connections that endure beyond the constraints of places and people.


Thank you for your time this semester!

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