Blog Post #1 : My “sit” spot

Hi! For my first blog post, I will be introducing my current sit spot. I’m currently studying abroad at DIS – study abroad in Scandinavia in Copenhagen. As part of the program we have field studies on Wednesday which are basically travel plans around the city for our courses. As part of my Eco-Psychology course, […]

Blog #1 My sit spot in Aix

My sit spot is the garden of my host family in Aix-en-Provence, France. Aix is a very small city, and it’s just like any other small French city—accessible by foot and close to nature. My house is located in the north of Aix, just 20 minutes walk from the city center. There is a big […]

Apperciating the Quietness

My sitting spot this week is the roof in my dorm. I chose this location because it is quiet and I get a nice view of the city. It is very hot outside, as it is currently summer here. The average temperature that has been happening is around 80 degrees every day. The sun is […]

Gatinhos in Brazil #2

As I find myself in a place foreign to me, I ponder the many versions of me that could have existed. My sit spot in front of the tangled tree is home to a black cat whose meow is high-pitched and scratchy. I find it silly that, more than likely, this cat is more fluent […]

Tangled in the city

I remember Estella, my caretaker, while my mom was away. Her love-radiated words weren’t necessary. I remember she’d braid my hair each night, saying it was necessary for healthy hair. This tree in the center of two busy ruas (streets) is not alone. She’s made up of multiple branches, and I’d like to think she […]

O{w}ed To A Tree

In childhood, I was taught that the world’s creation came about in a series of separation- the establishment of expanses, a creation of order. Human beings- the finest, and final, of the divine’s creations- were also deemed the most separate and distinct from nature’s dis-order. This overly simplistic approach has long led me towards an […]

Blog Post #1 My Sit Spot

Sitting near a bunch of trees and a street bustling with cars, I hear honks and faint voices of people. As I glance around, a variety of cars pass by – taxis, motorcycles, and electric cars. Among the trees, there’s a variety of jasmine with a subtle scent and shininess. With the lingering scent from […]

#1: In Bologna!

The sit spot I decided on is on my way to class, Parco della Montagnola. Italian cities are pretty paved over – there is very little greenery – and so this is the most natural space I was able to find. From my dormitory, the walk is shaped like an L, with the park at […]

Prompt #1 Sitting Spot

My sitting spot is unique, in my opinion. I went to Hermanus for the first official field trip for my study abroad program in South Africa. All forty of us, which is great, but I found it challenging to find a quiet place. Luckily, we went to L’Agulhas Beach, where I was able to step […]