#1: In Bologna!

The sit spot I decided on is on my way to class, Parco della Montagnola. Italian cities are pretty paved over – there is very little greenery – and so this is the most natural space I was able to find.

From my dormitory, the walk is shaped like an L, with the park at the top of the L when I traced it on a map (which I did not include, because it was an offense to cartography).

There is an effusion of sounds. Nearest to me there are people talking, a singular (angry) bird, a dog running past, and someone playing music. Farther, there is the sound of buses and traffic (although not that much farther, because there is a major street right by). At the absolute farthest distance, I can hear a dog barking in the distance.

The smells are pretty typical of city: car fumes, dirt, the smell that morning air has

Natural features include swarms of pigeons (if those count as natural), and a tall pine tree. Its limbs have been heavily trimmed, and so only the top canopy, like a hat, remains. It has orange and grey bark, and dark green, feather-like needles. It feels rough in some parts, but smooth and worn, so the orange shows though, where people have brushed past it.

I notice a lot of people. It feels busy, and loud. But everyone is lounging. Amidst so much concrete, this park makes me feel like I’ve taken a breath of fresh air.

One thought on “#1: In Bologna!

  1. Hi Sylvia, hope you’re having a wonderful time in Bologna!! Your new sit spot sounds so different from your spot last semester, and I love your description of the bustling city center. I’m excited to read along as you explore the city!

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