Prompt #1 Sitting Spot

My sitting spot is unique, in my opinion. I went to Hermanus for the first official field trip for my study abroad program in South Africa. All forty of us, which is great, but I found it challenging to find a quiet place. Luckily, we went to L’Agulhas Beach, where I was able to step away from everyone and just think. From the first initial look, all I could see were giant boulders and rocks everywhere. The sky was gray, which usually made people feel sad, but here I think of it as something peaceful and calming. Looking at the ocean, I can see the different shades of blue as I look in the distance farther and farther away from my spot. Overall, the area is just different shades of gray, brown, and green.

Closing my eyes, the only thing I can hear is the waves continually crashing against the boulders. As my eyes are closed, the only thing I smell is the ocean, and I hear the wind blowing. It is a cool breeze, but it is not cold outside. After I opened my eyes, I decided to look more closely at the boulders and rocks in the water, and I saw baby starfish near and under the rocks, crabs, and a very interesting-looking sea slug. From the initial first look at this place, I only thought of the rocks and the ocean, or more simply, what was visually obvious to the eye, but when I got closer, I realized that there were living things right under my feet that I would have never noticed unless I took the time to explore. Overall I am now thinking about all the little things that I might have ignored because they were simply underneath my feet.

One thought on “Prompt #1 Sitting Spot

  1. thank you for sharing all unique things you’ve learned about cape town bijon ! i really love reading about how you experienced your sit spot with multiple sensory perspectives. keep up the good work 🙂

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