#1: A Small River with Smaller Turtles

Sitting and just listening to water slowly flow over stones and through reeds is quite serene. I can see a tiny, dark turtle perched on a small stone, with another tiny turtle friend paddling around the water nearby. If I look hard I can see tiny glints of light off tiny fish darting around. I hear the wind rustling through the trees above me, and I can’t help but notice how huge each frond is. It’s hard to think that this area sits amidst one of the most densely populated urban environments in the world. 

In Singapore it feels like greenery is everywhere. There is nowhere you can turn your head without seeing a tree or bush or fern. Even indoors there is a focus on including nature. But it also feels like there is nowhere untouched by people. Even sitting by this small river, if I just look up I can see a road not even 30 feet away. Several 20+ story buildings surround me as well, with sleek architecture and eco-friendly claims. 

The two little turtles have paddled up onto the tiniest of islands. They’re slowly craning their small necks and looking around. One looks like it’s started to munch on something. They’re surrounded by little shoots and grasses, and from what I can tell, they look content.



One thought on “#1: A Small River with Smaller Turtles

  1. Those turtles are so tiny and cute! I also see a bird friend in your second photo…

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