Blog Post #1 : My “sit” spot

Hi! For my first blog post, I will be introducing my current sit spot. I’m currently studying abroad at DIS – study abroad in Scandinavia in Copenhagen. As part of the program we have field studies on Wednesday which are basically travel plans around the city for our courses. As part of my Eco-Psychology course, we came to the Botanical Garden which introduced me to my current sit spot. <3 During my time here, I have decided to use the Botanical Garden as my current sit spot due to the windy weather outside.  The Botanical Garden is Denmark’s current largest collection of living plants and is located near a metro stations allowing for easy access. I decided to choose this spot due to how connected it is with plants worlwide as well as with the community. During my sit in their where many visitors around me both enjoying the view and the aroma around it. I decided to include a picture of one of the plans that captivated me the most from Mexico <3.


Hope to see you next week,

– Sam

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