Above ground, I see plants: grass, shrubs and tall trees in a distance. I see geese, ducks, people parking their boats on the canal, small insects crawling on the ground. Underground, there is roots of the grass and shrubs, the fungi network (mycelium), microorganisms,… Because I flew to Rwanda before coming to London, my carbon […]
Month: November 2024
water and energy
As I was sitting at my sit spot by the canal behind queen mary university in London and imagine myself growing roots, one main question come to mind: How far can my roots go? I am not familiar with the soil structure here but if the rocks are close to the top soil, then my […]
Rooting for a Sustainable Future
When I think of the word “roots,” two ideas come to mind. Plants & ancestry. In one of my classes, we’ve been discussing nationhood and the role that land/territory plays in the construction of identity. As I sit here, with my feet planted on the ground, I’m thinking about the animals and people that have […]
Becoming A Good Guest
Sitting close the Park on Guy Fawkes Day I didn’t know it was Guy Fawkes day until I’d hear fireworks go off interrupting the gentle hum of the park. The crisp autumn air and a whiff of smoke carried the scent of fallen leaves and distant bonfires, while the defo faint pop of fireworks punctuated […]
Sous la pluie de novembre
I’m not in my usual sit spot again today – it’s raining, and I’ve finally caught the cold that’s been going around. This is the first time it’s rained in weeks, maybe even months. Being from DC and going to school in New England, I’m used to a lot more rain, especially in the fall, […]
Sunshine and water
I’ve been a bit backlogged uploading my blogs, but here is my entry from a few weeks ago 🙂 I’m not in my usual sit spot today, but at another park close to the center of town. It’s a beautiful day out; 75 degrees and sunny, pleasantly cool in the shade with a few wispy […]
Today is sunny and I decided to walk a little down the coast from my sit spot. Last week, I went snorkeling here in the channel. It was too cold to really enjoy it if I’m being honest, but it was cool to see what’s under the water. Kelp forests, urchins, starfish, sponges, crabs. On […]
The Forest
The cemetery is a unique kind of gathering place. I sit, removed from others, removed from others, separated by hedge walls and soaring trees. I worked in rural Maryland this summer, venturing into the woods to record frog calls. Sometimes, the forest became so dense that I couldn’t decide where to step next–here, the community […]