Monkeying Around: Blog Post 1

Finding My Sit Spot

I found my sit spot at a resort in Sun City, South Africa, near our hotel room close to a playful monkey. This spot is tucked away in a quieter part of the resort, offering a sense of privacy and a connection to the natural surroundings. The place I chose provides a good amount of shade, and there are branches that reach out above, creating a canopy that feels like a natural shelter. The ground is soft with patches of grass, and there’s a gentle slope that leads to a small pathway winding through the resort. From this spot, I can see the resort’s beautifully maintained gardens and a small pond in the distance.

Observations with My Eyes Closed

Sitting down in my spot, I close my eyes and take a few deep breaths. Instantly, the sounds of nature become more vivid. The quietest sound is the rustling of leaves as a light breeze passes through the tree above me. The loudest noise is the occasional chirping and chatter of the monkey nearby, which adds a lively energy to the setting. Far away, I can faintly hear the sounds of other resort guests laughing and talking, blending into the background. The nearest sounds are the rustle of branches and the soft footsteps of the monkey as it moves around its tree.

With my eyes still closed, I take a moment to notice the scents in the air. There’s a fresh, earthy smell from the nearby plants and trees, mixed with the subtle aroma of flowers in bloom around the resort. Occasionally, I catch a whiff of the warm, slightly musky scent of the monkey, a reminder of the wildlife that thrives in this area.

Observations with My Eyes Open

Opening my eyes, I focus on the monkey, which is now sitting on a low branch, looking around curiously. Its fur is a mix of brown and gray, with a lighter underside, and its eyes are bright and alert. Watching the monkey’s movements, I notice the way it effortlessly swings from branch to branch, its tail aiding in balance. The tree it’s perched on has a thick trunk with rough, textured bark that’s covered in small patches of moss. The leaves are broad and deep green, creating a dense canopy above that filters the sunlight, casting dappled shadows on the ground.

Reaching out, I touch the elephant foot-shaped pillar next to me, feeling its smoothish texture under my fingertips. The ground beneath me is cold with fallen leaves, and there’s a sense of coolness that rises from the earth.

Being in this sit spot, so close to a monkey, makes me feel a deep connection to the natural world. There’s something incredibly calming about observing wildlife up close, feeling like a part of their environment. The sounds, smells, and sights around me create a peaceful atmosphere, a perfect contrast to the hustle and bustle of the resort. This spot offers me a space to relax, reflect, and simply enjoy the moment. Each time I return, I find myself looking forward to the playful antics of the monkey and the sense of tranquility that this place provides.


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