Week 4- I love peatlands <3

¡Hola! It is a beautiful sunny day here in Puerto Natales 🙂 

Using the carbon footprint calculator I found that my flights here totalled to 1.83 metric tons. 

Recently in my classes we have been learning about peatlands and their importance for carbon sequestration and storage. I think it would be really interesting to do a project working on peatland protection and restoration. At Seno Obstrucción, the nearest peatland to me, the peatlands are being partially drained due to the recent construction of a roadside channel. Since this channel was created to protect the stability of the sediment beneath the road, I wonder what kind of measures could be taken to protect both the peatland and the road. Additionally, my carbon footprint is likely much lower here compared to my hometown where I drive everyday. Since Puerto Natales is a small town, I am able to walk everywhere I need to go without the need for a car or public transportation. This kind of sustainable living has been a really nice change of pace from home.

Seno Obstrucción, Puerto Natales

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