Post 8-Il tempo passa e non ritorna

Kaixo from my last week in my Basque Country study abroad! (Note how I did not say my last week as I am already planning when I will come back) As my program comes to an end, we have become very reflexive, and I think the thought that has hit me the heaviest comes down […]

Post 7-Environmentally Conscious Movements

Egunon everyone! To be honest, coming from Venezuela where environmental initiatives were very primitive, I always associated environmental consciousness to the United States and felt that as a country they had it all figured out. Today, having lived in the country for five years I can say that while there are a plethora of initiatives […]

Post 3-Of Sun and Water

Hello again from Bilbo! Contrary to what I was told as I prepped for my last post, we have had some very sunny days this week and very little rain. My group has begun this trend of grabbing lunch outside to enjoy the heat and I have really noticed the positive impact the extra hours […]