Sore Throats and Thick Air

This week we were asked to reflect on our carbon footprints- and immediately my mind jumped to the 16+ hours on a commercial jet it took me to get here. I have a friend from Norway in my Agroecology class who is opposed to airline travel from a climate perspective so he t0ok a boat […]

Wash your water bottle!

This week we were prompted to reflect on and research water sources, filtration, and distribution in our host cities. Naturally, this blog post reminded me I have not had any water all day which prompted me to find my water bottle (realize I need to wash said water bottle), refill it, and then drink it. […]

I still haven’t figured out Celsius

Hi again everyone! The past two weeks have been packed with hikes, mountain scrambles, and horse treks. Last weekend I drove out to Son Kul Lake, which is located at about 11,000 ft above sea level, and woke up to about 6 inches of snow. Having left sunny Bishkek at 80 degrees that morning the […]

Привет from Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan!

Привет! I am writing to you from the English Corner of the American University of Central Asia in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. AUCA is located in the southern part of the city- a good 45-60 minutes from my home in the city center. While the commute makes me feel like a sardine on a bus every morning, […]