As we entered April, I noticed a lot of changes around my sit spot, the garden in my host family. During my dinners with them, the host mom would always tell me which plant just newly blossomed recently as she takes great pride in the plants she grew herself and the gardening. She told me […]
Author: jw107
Blog #5: Le mistral
As I retuned to my sit spot today and paid close attention to the sound around me, I heard the sound wind striking the tree. “The mistral” is a phenomenon here in Aix, which is a strong wind that comes from North Africa that usually lasts for a few days. It could be very strong […]
Blog #4 The community and carbon footprint
The community is my spot in very diverse ecologically and culturally. Aix is a vibrant city with a lot of college students, because there are two major universities: Science Po Aix, a Grande école, and Aix-Marseille Université. Aix is also a town renowned for doctors and lawyers living in the city. Up in the north […]
Blog #3 Through the roots and water
When I sit in my sit spot and imagine my feet firmly attach to the ground and start growing roots, I had this strange feeling that I my legs and feet would penetrate the soil and then the crustal surface all the way until the other side of the globe back to my home across […]
Blog #2 The Mimosa tree
I returned to my sit spot after a long day of studying and walking in center Aix. The tranquil atmosphere and the smell of a mixture of plants are relieving for me because central Aix is not particularly green, and It’s nice to feel reconnected to nature. Now, I’m observing the Mimosa tree that I […]
Blog #1 My sit spot in Aix
My sit spot is the garden of my host family in Aix-en-Provence, France. Aix is a very small city, and it’s just like any other small French city—accessible by foot and close to nature. My house is located in the north of Aix, just 20 minutes walk from the city center. There is a big […]