Nature, it makes her feel safe.

Everytime I write one of these blogs it gets harder. It’s not as easy to find things to write about as it was at the beginning of the year. On the one hand that’s a good thing. It means that I’ve settled in here, that my surroundings aren’t as foreign to me as they used […]

What I have learned from my time in Spain

In Portage, Michigan (my hometown) the first snow fell in October. Here in Córdoba, I don’t think there has been a day below 50℉. It’s funny to see the trees with all of their leaves, still green and soaking up the late November sun. It feels more like spring than fall or winter, and yet […]

Witness in a Changing World

In the living room of my Spanish apartment we have a glass coffee table. And when we turn on the TV, the image gets reflected. Like two equal and opposite worlds: one on top and one beneath it. The same picture from a different perspective. I think that’s how the narrative about nature is here. […]


I can’t believe it’s already November. Not just because the time has gone by so fast but also because fall here is so different than it is in Massachusetts. The trees still have their leaves, and the leaves are green. A couple are falling but not very many. Some days it’s almost 70 degrees, I […]

Rainy Day Contemplation

It’s finally raining here! And the weather has gotten colder, I couldn’t be happier about these changes. I’m also very glad because I went on a trip to France over the weekend and I had never been and it was so very beautiful. I would like to go again and of course I want to […]

Ghost Rivers

Today I went on a tour of the Spanish countryside. It was sweltering. And we walked and walked and walked without stopping for a long time. But I was surprised to find that the heat didn’t bother me so much. Not when we were surrounded by olive trees and growing things all around us. Even […]

Hope and the Heat

All our plants are dying. Okay, that’s a little dramatic, it would be more accurate to say that they are not looking so good. My host mom gives them water, but the days are hotter than they should be in the fall. On my way to class last week I looked at the temperature and […]

The Green Apartment

I am not used to living in a city, but Córdoba is growing on me. Especially because of my host mom, who has filled our apartment with all sorts of greenery. She told me the other day that she bought the plants to keep her company and I can see why. They have a silent […]