Last weekend, I had the opportunity to go with a group of HKU students to the Nam Chun Ecovillage up near the Startling Inlet and the border to Shenzhen. This surrounding area actually has 55 local villages, with all but one settled by the local indigenous Hakka peoples. Similar to the last blog post’s theme […]
Author: ksaibara
(2) Jackfruit Festival
Hong Kong is a subtropical climate, which means that from May to September, the climate is super humid and rainy and hot. Right now though, we are still in the winter period, which is comparatively mild and dry. However, with climate change, the cold fronts have broken new records in temperature, and the severity and […]
#1: A Small River with Smaller Turtles
Sitting and just listening to water slowly flow over stones and through reeds is quite serene. I can see a tiny, dark turtle perched on a small stone, with another tiny turtle friend paddling around the water nearby. If I look hard I can see tiny glints of light off tiny fish darting around. I […]
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