Final Blog Post

I’m so grateful for the opportunity to take time in Freiburg to volunteer and help to preserve the natural environment, especially regarding the wonderful sit spot I found. I’m attaching a photo of the beautiful sunset that Freiburg gave me, right next to my sit spot, on my final night in the city. It was […]

Week 8 – Reflections from Freiburg

As I finished up my final week of studies last week in Freiburg, despite the whirlwind of finals, Model EU, packing and goodbyes, I found myself looking back on my time abroad and my local engagement. The most impactful thing I noticed while living in Germany was the sense of reverence and pride regarding Freiburg’s […]

Week 7 – Climate Change Policies, Nationally

While Freiburg itself is a Green City that takes many initiatives to increase its sustainability, there are some states in Germany that do not value sustainability as much. With this being said, these states are in the minority and Germany’s national government has passed a few laws intended to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. One example […]

Week 4 – Carbon Footprint and Reduction Methods

My flight from Los Angeles to Frankfurt, Germany had a carbon footprint of 2.1 metric tons. Freiburg is a city with a comprehensive electric tram public transportation system, as well as a high number of residents who bike. Cars aren’t allowed in the main area of the city, and there aren’t even roads to accommodate […]

Week 3 – Water Sources

I’ve been thinking a lot this week about the natural sources behind the lake at my sit spot. It is really interesting considering how this lake, which began as a small pond and was manmade into a larger attraction. In addition to this, the apartments at my student accommodation neighborhood are considered to be sustainable […]

Week 1 – A Wintery Hallo from Freiburg!

My sit spot is located on a lovely wooden bench next to the Flueckiger See, which is right behind my university apartment. The See is a very popular destination in summer for locals, but for my first observation, there were not many people out in the 35 degree weather. I noticed the peaceful rippling of […]