Entry 8 – Reflection

Today was the last day of academic classes at my host university, and I’m grateful that I can end the day by being present here at my sit spot. I walked by the park after what I thought was closing time, but it turns out that the park is open later in the evening when […]

Entry 7 – Changes

I am here at my sit spot on a cloudy morning. Today is a Monday morning, but it’s busier than usual here at the park because it’s Labor Day in Europe. There are families here with children chasing around ducks. This is the first time I’ve seen ducklings out and about at this park; I’m […]

Entry 6 – Cherry Blossom

Here at my sit spot, I am facing a cherry blossom tree overlooking the pond in the center. I closed my eyes, and I pictured my arms as the branches of the tree. It’s starting to rain, and I can feel the droplets collecting in my hair like the way raindrops collect on flower petals. […]

Post 4 – Place in the Community

Over the past few days, the area around my sit spot at the Square des Batignolles has been obstructed because of ongoing construction efforts to remove some of the trees by ordinance of the city. I was able to make my way around the blockage, and I found another sit spot within the park. From […]