Blog Post #4: The Local and Climate Change 🌳

03.16.24 Hello! Being abroad, has allowed me to travel to nearby European Countries due to how close and easy it is to visit. Due to this, I have been reflecting a lot on my current carbon foootprint. Due to this, I have been able to visit Sweden through the train system which has aided to […]

Blog Post #3: Water & Energy

03.02.2024 Hello! Thank you for tuning in to my blog post today. <3 Similarly to the plants around me, I have grown a deep desire for the nature around me. One of the many reasons I chose to come to Copenhagen: sustainability. Currently, in Denmark drinking water is actually produced from groundwater and can be […]

Blog Post #1 : My “sit” spot

Hi! For my first blog post, I will be introducing my current sit spot. I’m currently studying abroad at DIS – study abroad in Scandinavia in Copenhagen. As part of the program we have field studies on Wednesday which are basically travel plans around the city for our courses. As part of my Eco-Psychology course, […]